Java Chess Engine Project - GUI


This is a Java Swing interactive chess application to show the engine in action.

Click on the title for each lecture to follow along and build your own version of the Black Widow chess program.

#29 The GUI (Part I) - Java Chess Programming Video - 01/22/2016 [15:11]
Classes: JChess [JavachessboardApplication], Table
#30 The GUI (Part II) - Java Chess Programming Video - 01/26/2016 [10:50]
Classes: Table, BoardPanel, TilePanel
#31 The GUI (Part III) - Java Chess Programming Video - 02/01/2016 [10:50]
Classes: Table, TilePanel, BoardUtils
#32 The GUI (Part IV) - Java Chess Programming Video - 02/11/2016 [17:39]
Classes: BoardUtils, BlackPlayer, WhitePlayer, Table
#33 The GUI (Part V) - Java Chess Programming Video - 02/12/2016 [4:37]
Classes: Table
#34 The GUI (Part VI) - Java Chess Programming Video - 02/17/2016 [17:31]
Classes: Table, TilePanel, MoveStatus
#35 The GUI (Part VII) - Java Chess Programming Video - 02/22/2016 [11:23]
Classes: Table, TilePanel, MoveTransition, BoardPanel
RUNTIME PROBLEM: Threw an exception when attempting to move a piece.
#36 The GUI (Part VIII) - Java Chess Programming Video - 03/03/2016 [12:25]
Classes: Table, BoardDirection, TilePanel
RUNTIME PROBLEM: Ignores mouseClicks (but no longer throws exception);
Does not show legal moves when selecting a piece.
#37 The GUI (Part IX) - Java Chess Programming Video - 03/11/2016 [22:45]
Classes: Pawn, Piece, Rook, Bishop, Knight, Queen, King, Move, BoardUtils
BUILD BROKEN: Threw an exception when attempting to calculateLegalMoves for a Pawn;
NullPointerException in Move class; plus 6 more issues.
#38 The GUI (Part X) - Java Chess Programming Video - 03/31/2016 [26:47]
Classes: Table, TakenPiecesPanel
BUILD BROKEN: Threw an exception when attempting to calculateLegalMoves for a Pawn;
NullPointerException in Move class; plus 6 more issues.
#39 The GUI (Part XI) - Java Chess Programming Video - 04/04/2016 [28:06]
Classes: TakenPiecesPanel, Piece, GameHistoryPanel, DataModel, Row
BUILD BROKEN: Threw an exception when attempting to calculateLegalMoves for a Pawn;
NullPointerException in Move class; plus 6 more issues.
#40 The GUI (Part XII) - Java Chess Programming Video - 04/15/2016 [21:39]
Classes: Piece, Move, Table, TilePanel, GameHistoryPanel, Move, NullMove,
MajorMove, AttackMove, PawnMove, PawnAttackMove, PawnEnPassantMove,
PawnJump, PawnEnPassantAttackMove, CastleMove, KingSideCastleMove, QueenSideCastleMove, BoardUtils
BUILD FIXED: Combination of YouTube comments and comparing BlackWidow source code.
RUNTIME PROBLEM: Ignores mouseclicks (but does not throw exception);

Preview of remaining lectures in the tutorial:
TODO - add list of remaining lectures